Our philosophy dayra 3la 4 dial l7wayj: Simplicity, Trust the process, Results riented and student first. Mabghinach nkhrjo nass nawabigh mais bghina nkhrjo results, o bach tkhruj results khass student yfham bdabt chnu khassu ydir bkol wodo7. O hadchi maymknch nwslo lih manghir Simplicity. simplicity hia n7aydo ay haja zayda o maghadich t3awna nchoufo results.
Simplicity hia nredo ay haja s3iba o compliquée sahla o 9adr un enfant de six ans yfhamha. ama trusting the process f rah makaynch chi process kay3ti results bih fih, darori la patient o bach lwahd yqdar ysbar 3la chi process khasso yti9 fih.
Hadchi 3lach 7na f ga3 les courses li ghadi tlga hna les processes li fiha déjà mjarbine o khdamine every time every time every time. Just trust it!
Ama fach kanhdero 3la results oriented courses fa rah hna kanhdero 3la des courses kamla 3andha des objectifs mesurables, specifiques et réalisables. 7na machi hna bach tkune wa3r wla 3ab9ariy nta hna bacht chuf results f hyatek swa skill swa flouss. en faite Juste flouss.
Ama student first f hia kulshi. Bach had lplatforme tb9a kayna khaskom ntuma tb9aw kaynin, o bach ntuma tbqaw kaynin khassna hna n3awno kolla wahd fikom ywsal lblassa li bgha ywsal liha b asra3 tari9a walakine tkune sur et legale.
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